k9s EKS Context Error

First off, if you use Kubernetes and haven’t used k9s yet, you’re missing out. I consider it the most essential tool after kubectl.

It provides a top like interface to a k8s namespace making it easy to inspect, kill, view logs, or exec and get a shell into your containers.

Here is what it looks like when it’s working properly:

Picture of working k9s
Picture of working k9s

Some elements redacted for security reasons

The Symptom

During some homebrew updates on my MacBook Pro last week I updated to the latest version of k9s and didn’t think too much about it. I of course, verified it worked with our central REVSYS cluster real quick, but not much else.

So I was a bit surprised today when I launched k9s to see:

Picture of broken k9s
Picture of broken k9s

It showed the defined contexts and a small error in the upper right-hand corner but not a ton to go on.

Turns out, this is a slight incompatibility between k9s and existing KUBECONFIG that was previously generated by the aws-cli month and months ago for this cluster.

It took me a fair bit of Googling to find the answer, so I’m memorialising it here in case I run into it again. Hopefully, you also find it useful.

The Solution

The solution is easy to execute but not exactly intuitive. And I should note it’s specific to Amazon EKS as I haven’t run into this exact situation with any other managed Kubernetes clusters yet.

First, you need to update your awscli package to at least version 2.8.5. For OSX users, that’s a quick brew upgrade awscli.

Then you need to delete (or better yet copy to another filename just in case) your KUBECONFIG, so the awscli generates a new one.

Then you need to run aws eks update-kubeconfig --name <cluster-name> for each of your clusters.

You can get a list of your clusters by running aws eks list-clusters.

$ aws eks list-clusters
    "clusters": [

After this, you should be able to run k9s --namespace <namespace> and see a list of your pods like you would normally.

The Problem

The problem is that deep in your old KUBECONFIG it was defining this:

- name: arn:aws:eks:us-east-1:000000000000:cluster/production-01
      - --region
      - us-east-1
      - eks
      - get-token
      - --cluster-name
      - production-01
      command: aws
      env: null

When it needed to be:

- name: arn:aws:eks:us-east-1:000000000000:cluster/production-01
      - --region
      - us-east-1
      - eks
      - get-token
      - --cluster-name
      - production-01
      command: aws
      env: null
      provideClusterInfo: false

Can you spot the difference? Yeah, it took me a second as well. The difference is the apiVersion now needs to be instead of v1alpha1.

One of the reasons this is hard to diagnose is that the entire time your kubectl will continue to work perfectly, so it is very easy to assume the problem has nothing to do with your KUBECONFIG. Besides, it’s been working for months and months!

If you have also run into this k9s issue with AWS EKS and an older KUBECONFIG file only showing you a list of the k8s contexts and not the expected list of Kube pods, I hope this helps solve it for you!

Posted 26 October 2022